Integration Manager - English

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Migrants who have found refuge and a new home in the district of Kelheim receive support from many professionals, authorities, advisors and counsellors. However, support through volunteers has always been an essential foundation. These volunteers put in great effort for refugees as people of trust in various situations and help them to arrive in their new home.

Daily, volunteers offer support in every area of daily life in the communities; from their search for a new apartment to supporting them with appointments such as scheduled doctors visits. The support of our volunteers is a valuable commodity and is essential for successful integration in the district of Kelheim.

Our Integration Managers (Integrationslotsinnen) coordinate the dedicated volunteers who offer refugee support. They are the main contact for professionals and residents interested in the district of Kelheim when it comes to integration and topics that are connected to the issue. 

The overachring goal is successful integration of people from foreign countries into our society.

The Integration Managers are responsible for:

  • Contact person for anybody who is interested in integration, voluntary work, or intercultural exchange in the district
  • Finding new volunteers to support existing volunteers
  • Generating suitable training opportunities for volunteers
  • Improving internal communication with the districts administration in terms of integration
  • Planning exchange meetings for professional and voluntary workers
  • Support for and networking between actors in the field of refugee support and integration
  • Support for volunteers and voluntary aid concerning integration and asylum

Would you like to become a voluntary supporter as well?


Name Telefon Telefax Zimmer
Pollinger, Veronika
09441 207-1046 09441 207-1150 O2.76
Schiele, Luise
09441 207-1044 09441 207-1150 O2.76

Landratsamt Kelheim

AdresseLandratsamt Kelheim
Donaupark 12
93309   Kelheim
Telefon: 09441/207-0
Fax: 09441/207-1150

Montag bis Freitag von 8.00 bis 12.00 Uhr sowie nach Vereinbarung